ESG is no longer a nice to have, but a must have.
May 20, 2021
Cress Consulting and Collier Creative have joined forces to offer a cost-effective environmental, social and governance reporting service, delivered by a team of ESG reporting experts.

ESG is no longer nice to have, but a must have.
Incorporating the environmental, social and governance aspects of conducting business into corporate reporting cycles is becoming an essential accompaniment to financial and organisational performance measures. Attention, and pressure from investors, customers, employees and interested stakeholders on ESG issues continues to rise as organisations reassess the way they operate and communicate.
The benefits of developing a strong basis for ESG reporting include boosted customer and employee engagement, attraction and retention of talent, improved social licence, reduced operational risk and, increasingly, enhanced investment return.
ESG reporting frameworks provide structure and a consistent way of challenging organisational initiatives and priorities. It is important to identify the ESG issues material to your organization and the issues key stakeholders view important. For organisations that have not yet started reporting on ESG or developing this area of governance, a simple four step process can help.
Starting with a snapshot overview of materiality and stakeholder analysis can provide the foundation. Benchmarking against peers and competitors can help identify any obvious gaps and help with goal and target formulation. A gap analysis using robust international frameworks builds confidence and the basis of ESG programs and reporting. A full review results in a robust reporting framework suitable for future annual reports and other financial market information.
Organisations often seek expert assistance to guide them through this process and find it useful when engaging in discussions with investors and other interested parties on ESG issues.
Shelly Dempsey, writer and editor at the ACID says “Consistent, transparent reporting, particularly by listed entities, allows relevant stakeholders including customers and employees to better understand strategy, risks and drivers of current and future performance.”
Ideally, companies reporting on ESG identify a reporting framework that suit them best to address these three areas of impact. Many reporting frameworks are available including the Global Reporting Initiative, the Task Force on Climate Related Financial Disclosure and UN Sustainable Development Goals.

We know that expert assistance and support can make all the difference. Cress Consulting and Collier Creative have joined forces, bring essential, professional skills to the table including, business and communications strategy, ESG expertise, design and copywriting, digital delivery and measurement. We provide a team of problem-solvers to work with you through the challenges and opportunities that your ESG reporting process uncovers, well after we’ve delivered the report.
About the alliance
The Alliance is the initiative of two well-established Australian companies specializing in sustainability, climate risk, water and stakeholder engagement supported by more than 115 dedicated engineers, scientists, strategists, designers, digital developers and communicators across Australia and around the world.
Collier Creative builds value through compelling business stories as a specialist in corporate reporting, business and communications strategy, design and copywriting and digital delivery. Click here for more information.
Cress Consulting are sustainability, risk and water specialists, committed to finding the right solutions to help you secure a more sustainable, secure future. If you would like help to find the right solutions to a more sustainable, secure future, please contact us here.