Our Services

Cress Consulting is committed to finding the right solutions to help you achieve a more sustainable, secure future. Interested in finding ways for business to maintain profitability and continue to grow in a changing and increasingly challenging environment, we have the expertise and knowledge to help you make more informed decisions.

Our services include sustainability strategy design and delivery, value transformation, water stewardship, climate and water risk and issues management. Supported by more than 100 specialist engineers and scientists across the world, we provide expert guidance helping you uncover opportunities for sustainable growth, resource efficiency and water security.

Climate Risk and Resilience

Understanding vulnerability to the risks of climate change and water scarcity helps ensure you can be better prepared and create a more resilient, sustainable future for your business and operations.

Sustainability Strategy

Designing and implementing sustainability strategies and programs that maintain profitability and reduce risk can help you achieve a more sustainable, secure future.

Environmental Social Governance

Incorporating the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) aspects of conducting business into corporate reporting cycles is becoming an essential accompaniment to financial and organisational performance measures. Attention, and pressure from investors, customers, employees and interested stakeholders on ESG issues continues to rise as organisations reassess the way they operate and communicate.

Water Stewardship

The use of water that is socially and culturally equitable, environmentally sustainable and economically beneficial is achieved through a stakeholder-inclusive process that includes both site and catchment-based actions.

Carbon Accounting

Evaluating your carbon footprint to find cost effective ways to reduce emissions, achieve carbon neutral certification, or navigate the complexities of carbon offsets.

Modern Slavery

Modern Slavery is the serious exploitation of other people for personal or commercial gain. An estimated 40 million people are victims of modern slavery worldwide, including within Australia.